Whats the situation?
I used UX Challenge to test my UX/UI skills as well as broaden my portfolio. I designed an app for the following brief.
BRIEF: A safe place to go through darkness together
Sometimes strangers who have gone through similar situations can give the best advice when we’re going through rough times in our lives. How can you design an environment where people who are seeking help feel safe to connect and support each other?
- With this brief in mind I conducted competitive benchmarking using mental health as well as communication apps such as Headspace/Unmind/Whisper.
- I researched colors that illicit a certain mood with its viewers: originally starting with yellow and black before learning this was a signal of caution. I wanted the palette to convey a sense of safety and happiness.
- I thought about the type of user that would want to use an app like this : A person who is going through a rough time in their life and just needs some advice. Perhaps someone who is struggling with depression and is too afraid to speak with someone face to face. - - - People who have been through tough situations before who want to use the app to help others.
- I conducted an anonymous survey via facebook/ friends/ friends of friends who are going through rough situations in their life and how they think an app like this can serve them
Understanding my goal
- I feel like this product has three main value propositions for the end user.
- It helps people through difficult times- This app is meant to be a place where people can speak with others to help them with troubling times in their lives
- It is community building - Brings people with similar difficulties together
- It benefits mental health - Offering meditation and a safe place to chat will help people tremendously with their mental well being.
Who is my audience and what do they have to say?
Here are the specific audiences my product would appeal to:
- People suffering from mental health- People suffering from mental health might use this app to talk through some of their problems or to find advice.
- People who are lonely- Perhaps someone such as an immigrant or someone who has lost a loved one
- People who want to help- People who have been through rough times but came out the other side.
At the discovery phase of my project, I conducted user interviews in order to get a better understanding of the problem.
I chose this research technique because I believe this app is meant to serve the community so it is important to see what they need directly but anonymously. Because this app is meant for people to find a community through the darkness I did not want anyone to feel uncomfortable telling the truth or revealing who they were.
I received 15 surveys and I was most curious to know:
- What would make the user feel safe in an app environment?
- What types of groups would they be interested in(depression/struggling with sexuality/ children on the spectrum)
- How does each color make them feel?
- I learned that not only do people need help directly but also people with family or friends that are struggling want to know how they can help.
- I also learned that offering different languages is VERY important!! (Perhaps a translate feature?)
With my research I changed the following things:
- I changed the colors of my app and logo (seen above).
- I added group as well as 1 on 1 chats.
- I added a forum where people can add new topics to start a discussion.
- I made the app anonymous with just a username and an avatar.
- I have had to add a language feature as a way to be inclusive.
How can I simplify the flow?
- I mapped out the different flows of the app
- I decided to do a flow map to see if the flow was smooth
- I chose the most important information to help me to label the screens and decide where in the flow the information should go
- I determined the flow by looking at what users needed/wanted
- I used colors to indicate the different screens

Let's jot it down!
- I usually start the design process with low fidelity wireframes. I use these as templates for the prototype design.
- I used the sketches to help me to arrange the important information
- I knew the main goals of my users and used these to create the main menu
- I made 2 different versions but used my eraser quite a lot on both! Switching placement of elements as well as adding information that was maybe forgotten the first time around.
The main differences of these versions were the placement of the information
I wanted the layout to be simple and self explanatory. A user shouldnt have to think when navigating the app

Let's interact!
My prototype is meant to showcase the app as well as some of my UI skills. It takes you through the basic flows and enables the user to interact with the various different buttons.