This project is still in progress
Who is our clientele?

- The eco-conscious - People who are doing what they can for the environment - in this case choosing second hand rather than fast fashion. Choosing to buy second hand cuts down clothing that needs to go into the landfills.
- The extrovert - The person who is always looking to be ahead of the trend and likes to stand out! Taking a piece of pre-owned clothing and putting your own stamp on it or bringing it back to life will surely be a conversation starter.
- The money saver - Why buy new Nike shoes for double the price? This website/app is for people looking to save some money.

As stated on
"We live in a culture obsessed with image and style and that's not going away any time soon. But we do have the opportunity to impact the minds of the next generation — towards more care of personal style and impact on the world and less about which new thing they have to buy to “fit in”. If we start habits now in reusing, rewearing and recycling clothing, changes will trickle down."

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